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OHANA CONNECT exists to encourage healthy connections between Saguaro Correctional Center inmates and their ohana for God's glory. 

OHANA CONNECT does NOT represent Saguaro Correctional Center, nor does SCC represent Ohana Connect. However we are grateful for SCC and support their efforts to care for our loved ones during incarceration.

We provide:
•INFORMATION to help you establish, or maintain connection with your loved one at Saguaro 
•IDEAS for establishing and maintaining healthy, strong, God honoring communication within your ohana 
•ENCOURAGEMENT about how God says we are to love our ohana according to the Bible
•PRAYER! Lots of prayer!

We do NOT provide:
•personal information
•communication directly to inmates
•communication from inmate to inmate

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37‭-‬39

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Ohana Connect's "Ho'oponopono Letters" program was created out of a desire to provide opportunity for EVERY man to have a place to send his heartfelt letters. Many of the men deeply desire to connect with their keiki or their ohana. Being able to express feelings of "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you." is an important part of restoration and the healing process. However, due to a variety of circumstances some of the men currently cannot connect with their ohana. The "Ho'oponopono Letters" program provides a place for the men to send these letters. Each inmate pays for his own mailing supplies and postage. Then he sends his letters out to Ohana Connect. Each unopened, post marked letter received will be prayed over and then safely stored. 


"Ohana Connect Packets" is a monthly subscription to help your ohana connect with each other across the miles during this time of incarceration. With your subscription each family will get two identical "Ohana Connect Packets". One packet will be delivered to your loved one at Saguaro Correctional Center and the other to your address. Each packet includes items to help your ohana connect with God and each other! Each packet will feature a Bible teaching to strengthen your ohana along with other fun and meaningful activities for your ohana to engage in together: coloring pages, word puzzles, jokes, quotes, memory verses, bookmarks, comics, short stories, recipes, and tips for sharing in the experience together.
Our hope and prayer is to help encourage your ohana to build connections that last. As you share your experience with your ohana over the phone, on video visits, and through the mail we pray the biblical teachings leave a lasting impression on the hearts of your whole family for years to come.

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